I went with Gun collector, which when maxed out will give you +3 in shooting. Even in the apocalypse it’s always good to have an iron on your hip. The Gunslinger class is for those whom want to max out shooting on the get go. It’s like Christmas in Deadlier Road mode and Extreame. When you are low on ammo and he comes along. That high shooting skill (which will start at 4) will save you in a sticky situation. Testing this in Deadlier Road Mode and Extreme. Overview: The Gunslinger, an architype that has stayed tried and true. Negative: Rather niche, you are good at shooting and killing, but that’s all. + Start with a Pistol (30 Rounds), Rifle (15 rounds.), and Shotgun (5 rounds) +3 Shooting Marksmanship-More likely to get critical shots with guns The world moves on” ― Stephen King, The Dark Tower
The better the stat it is, the more efficient your character is in restoring others back to full health-thus you use less medkits. Indicates how well you can mend wounds.

If anyone of your team has low morale they will abandon your cause-or worse they will start kicking others out of the team. The game will let you know if the character cares of not. Alignment factors in too sometimes, good and evil. This stat will show you how likely what character in your group will betray you in stressful situations (or if your team is trustworthy or not). Also this stat can be lowed depending on the environment they are sent too. In stressful situations, how will your character react? If low they’ll panic and miss with their weapons, if high they will not panic at all and tend to succeed in diplomacy checks and stealth checks-this is their resolve and if low they will buckle under the pressure and go insane.If it this stat is high then it will lead to high morale, showing their leadership qualities. If this stat is low then they are more likely to conflict with the group due to their toxicity. This stat shows how much your character meshes with others, if they get along or not."And now I've slapped a king! Did my hand fall from my wrist?"-Tyrion, Game of Thrones. Use with Charming or Irritating traits, and shenanigans will ensue. Also helps with your persuasion and diplomacy checks in certain situations. Shows how intelligent you are-it also shows creativity when thinking outside of the box."I see better from a distance."-Clint Barton The better the stat, the more damage you do with guns, and the better your accuracy. When the crosshair locks on, it’s is a critical hit. Shows your proficiency with firearms-shown by a red crosshair in combat.

Also how many hits with a melee weapon you can dish out.

This is indicated by seeing your character sweat-alongside your face turning read and breathing heavily.
Tipped off that Canada might just be free from the threat of zombies, the long, winding Death Road is all that stands between you and your end goal. Hilarious decisions will have to be made along the way – but at least you’ve got the option of doing this either alone or in its two-player co-op mode.
Announced today by UKIYO Publishing, Rocketcat Games and Madgarden is Death Road to Canada – a pixel perfect roguelike zombie basher!Ĭoming to Xbox One, PS4 and Nintendo Switch in the Spring of 2018, Death Road to Canada on console will include all the major releases found in the PC version of the game, as you get to head off on a journey from Florida to Ontario, soaking up the immaculately gruesome pixel-art take on the undead apocalypse.Īs you prepare to face off against near insurmountable odds, Death Road To Canada will task you with surviving its brutal, hyper-violent combat and over-the-top, looted weaponry by scavenging the derelict environment.